I brani sono pi?atati e le idee vengono elaborate molto pi?ungo, cercando ogni sfumatura ed ogni angolo di visuale. Il percorso è ¤ecisamente impegnativo e la felice scelta dei compagni di strada è ©ndubbiamente la chiave di volta per la buona riuscita del tentativo. L'album, a differenza del precedente, è £ompletamente strumentale, una libera escursione improvvisata che sa farsi sperimentale senza dimenticare gli echi romantici che sono evidentemente parte del DNA del leader. Also, the lengthy "Sight Red" for piano and clarinet tells a sad story about the loss of innocence.Compose Yourself è ³ottotitolato 'Ten Improvisations' e vede Bliwas in compagnia di Ben Allison e di Michael Blake.
#Best of gerald levert albums free#
There are two long pieces here which I dig the best, "Remote Lack of Control" is a playful solo piano work, that blends elements of ragtime, free bits, the blues and seems to tell a little tale as it unfolds. Michael Blake's bluesy, bluster on tenor sax is well-placed on "Six Eyes", as is his clarinet on a couple of other sections. The entire CD sounds like a suite of connected pieces, solo/trio/solo/trio/solo/duo/solo/duo/solo/trio, yet it flows together. Richard never plays too many notes, using a minimal amount in just the right way, nothing superfluous. Although Richard calls these tunes "improvisations" each one does a good job of evoking a mood, often somber and reflective. Richard writes quaint little vignettes, which sound just right with soft clarinet and minimal bass. Half the pieces are solo piano pieces, which are mostly eloquent and softly haunting. This is also from 2001 and is an all-instrumental solo/duo/trio work. It is a creative effort by all three musicians." Cadence Magazine (Oct.2001)RICHARD BLIWAS - Compose Yourself / ten improvisations (Rising Rose) Featuring on Richard Bliwas on piano, Ben Allison on acoustic bass and Michael Blake on clarinet & sax. Bliwas has produced an engrossing album where freedom coexists with a touch of nostalgia. He stays outside the lines most of the time to add considerable depth to the program. Allison is a brooding type of bass player whose highly resonant tone and searching soul fuel the fires on one duet and three trio cuts. It is an excellent example of freeform interaction and joint communication. His extended duet with Bliwas on " Sight Red" crosses several genre lines while he spirals his clarinet message above and below the meandering piano notes. His playing fits into the groundrules established by Bliwas, wherby he freely exercises his rights while the framework of the piano sequences wraps around him. It is an eclectic approach to free improvisation.""Blake joins Bliwas on four selections, playing either clarinet or tenor.

He is just as likely to lapse into a Garner-ish mode or even a disguised ragtime bit during the heavier moments to recast the direction before diving again into the murky waters. He probes deeply into the pieces, getting into dense territory characterized by emphasis on the lower register that is lightened by his pensive right-hand wanderings. Using changing tempo and a penchant for flair, Bliwas creates music with an intriguing hint of mystery and a touch of melancholy. With reed player Michael Blake and bassist Ben Allison, Bliwas transforms intricate phrases into seamless music that has flow to go along with the freedom he exhibits in his playing.
#Best of gerald levert albums series#
"Subtitled, Ten Improvisations, the music by pianist Richard Bliwas on Compose Yourself is a series of solo, duet, and trio excursions, into an exploratory area where song forms and a semblance of structure glean through the improvisations.